So I've gone and gotten myself a website

So I've gone and gotten myself a website

So, I went and got a website. It was a New Years resolution to start a photography blog and a website to showcase my photography in the hopes that someone out there would enjoy it, or that someone would buy some of my photos, or that someone would hire me to take photos for them, or all three.  

You see, 2015 was a big year for me photographically speaking. I became a professional photographer in 2015. I made money with a camera and had an immense amount of fun doing it. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's going to be my new primary gig or anything like that, being a lawyer still pays the bills better than being a photographer, but, I made enough money to buy some new camera toys.  

So the questions arises, what exactly am I going to do with this blog? What to do, what to do? 

Some of you might remember my other website, which was primarily concerned with things made in America and reviving old fashioned ideas. That’s still going to be a component of this blog, believe it or not. I know, I know, the name is John Moon Photography not John Moon Photography and American and Old Fashioned stuff dot com, but, that name is stupid. So, I went with what made the most sense and built myself another website.

So what is this website going to be about? What is this blog going to be about? Well, two things really, and, they just so happen to the be two things I’m most passionate about (excluding the important stuff of God, family, country, etc.). American made stuff and photography.

Primarily, I want a place to discuss photography and photography related stuff because, God knows that my wife is sick and tired of it. I also have a penchant for American-made stuff and still happen to think that America churns out some of the best material items that you can spend your hard earned $$$ on. So there. That’s it. Simple premise, right? Made in America and Photography. Hope you all enjoy.

Single Photo Explanation/Discussion - Lines

Single Photo Explanation/Discussion - Lines